The European Cyber Security Month (ECSM) is an EU advocacy campaign that promotes cyber security among citizens and advocates seeking to change the perception of cyber-threats by promoting education, sharing of good practices and competitions in data and information security. The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA), the European Commission DG Connect and Partners have been deploying the ECSM each October for the last 4 years (Graphic Overview).
Highlights of the 2015 edition:
- 32 countries were involved in the initiative in 2015, an increase from 2014 with 30 countries involved. ECSM 2015 ran in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia ,Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Slovakia, Sweden, Spain, Romania, the United Kingdom; and Iceland, Moldova, Norway, Serbia, also for the first time in Turkey.
- In total 242 activities were encoded in the official calendar from public and private stakeholders in 32 countries. The NIS Education Map registered an increase of courses, with 417 courses currently in 22 countries.
- The outreach on social media on the 1st of October alone, was 718,967 accounts reached. Number of visitors for peaked in October with 52,574 page views, with 71% corresponding to new visitors from all around Europe.
- Numerous trainings for multipliers and online calls for coordinators were supported by ENISA.
- The kick-off event had a global partnership organized in the presence of ITU Secretary General, general deployment with partners from the United States (such as NCSAM and DHS), and coordinators from Member States, all supported by ENISA and European Commission DG Connect.
Conclusions derived from the 2015 edition:
- Member States and EU partner countries are interested in working in partnership for cyber security education. The number of countries involved shows a tendency for steady growth. There is however work to be done in order to increase the content distribution and content co-ownership between Member States’ Organisations with the support of ENISA.
- The European Commission, and other EU bodies such as EESC and Agencies continue to get involved and maintain their participation at high level. The campaign created a good environment for European but also international cooperation for cyber security PPPs (Public-Private partnerships).
- The community building process around the campaign is an important win. The European Commission, Member States and ENISA may choose to further develop this dimension and extend its use to content distribution on cyber security education and more.
Advance planning
Today, the Agency together with several MSs Coordinators and network of multipliers announces the planning for 2016.
For full report here
Material available for all users: , press release available in 23 languages, NIS quiz, a report on University courses and certification programmes in Europe, Tips and advice in 23 languages, Case studies on public-private cooperation, Infographics for educators, Awareness Calendar, The 'International Mobile Security Tips' through the STOP.THINK.CONNECT website, CERT Training material
Together we build a joint EU advocacy campaign on Cyber Security topics, follow us #CyberSecMonth #ENISA!
For project information: Daria Catalui, [email protected]
For interviews and press enquiries please contact [email protected], Tel. +30 2814 409576